MASCOUTAH -- St. Clair County taxpayers have spent more than $1.6 million between January 2008 and July 2011 on consultant fees, travel and lodging costs, in addition to advertising and marketing expenses -- all to promote the struggling MidAmerica St. Louis Airport.
The county Public Building Commission, which oversees the airport, has spent most of these consultant dollars to promote MidAmerica as an air cargo hub with direct flights to and from China.
So far, county taxpayers are awaiting the first fruits from their investment of time and treasure on the China strategy for the airport, which in 2009 needed a subsidy of nearly $7 million in cash and in-kind costs from the county to keep running.
What's also critical for Americans to understand is the Chinese word "guanxi," (pronounced gwan-shee), which means a network of relationships based on shared obligations and reciprocal duties that, over time, create a powerful sense of trust.