Sunday, June 6, 2010

Honda Strike Nothing New in China (WSJ)

jc wrote:
There is never going to be a western style union and China is never in favor of doing anything “radical new”. Look at all their reforms they always take a gradual step by step controlled approach. Letting loose thing and let it grows into a tsunami is not in their blood. They will let you to strike, get a 20% raise and shut up. If you got that 20% and still do not shut up they are going to make you shut up. The idea is to do things gradually and orderly.

9:16 am June 6, 2010
li wrote:

11:27 am June 6, 2010
Annoyed wrote:
I hope this is the start of more strikes and more pay rises.

Afterall, why appreciate the yuan to balance trade, it doesn’t benefit the Chinese. Far better to give all the Chinese workers better pay and make China a little less competitive that way.

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