Tuesday, February 3, 2009



Tan Daren said...






Meng Ailing said...

1.我 周末 常常 看 电影。

2.我 不 喜欢 打球。

3.我 明天 忙。 我 看书。

4.我 有时候 喜欢 跳舞,和 有时候 我 喜欢 唱歌。

5.我 今天 晚上 想 看 电视, 不 看书。

Bei Jiasi said...






Bei Jiasi said...

There are so many things that I love about China. I believe the most interesting piece of culture to me are the tea ceremonies they have. There are so many pieces to the Chinese tea set. I have always been in love with collecting tea sets. I have an antique Japanese tea set that I bought at an auction. It is so cool. However, I have always wanted to learn the Chinese tea ceremonies. I know a bit of the Japanese ceremonies, but China is so cooler.

jwoolfo said...

Chinese culture has always interested me. I figured that if I take the class, I would better understand the culture and that the language would be easy to learn since I had an interest. Even though I underestimated the difficulty of the Chinese language, I must say that I feel like I am understanding Chinese culture more and more as the school year goes on. I realize that their tones are way different from American tones (I used to always think that people from China were generally angry or unpleasant because of the tone of their voices and manner in which they spoke). I am so happy that my preconceptions about Chinese culture and people are changing to be more realistic.

jwoolfo said...






Charles Colyott said...

5.算了. 我去看中国电影.

Many interesting factoids discovered while watching John Woo's Hardboiled with the commentary by Bey Logan on:
1. The Cantonese title literally means 'Spicy Hand Smart Detective'...I like 'Hardboiled' better.
2. Jackie Chan's favorite singer is Lionel Ritchie.
3. The 'Chow' in Chow Yun Fat is 周. As in 周末.

Megan Lester said...

So, Saturday night I went to the Chinese New Year Spectacular at UMSL and it was fan-amazing-tastic. I learned a LOT about traditional Chinese dance (since this was what the show was mainly about) and it was really impressive. It was kind of interesting to find out that moves that are prevalent today in our gymnastics and other kinds of tumbling are actually moves from traditional Chinese dance (i.e.- Flips, cartwheels, handsprings, etc.). Also, Chinese dancers are taught rigorously about the dance and how the movements are performed by the body; also, in order to perform a certain dance, they must have an extensive knowledge about the story that is behind the dance. What I mean by this is that a very large portion of Chinese dances are performed in order to tell stories or explain how something came to be. In order for the dancers to be able to communicate their emotions and feelings to the audience through dance along (no talking), they must delve deep into their portrayed characters and really get a feel for them. Using this method, the Chinese dancers are able to show us (the audience) how the characters are feeling, what they are thinking, simply by waving their arm, or moving their leg. Also, I found that Chinese dance, unlike most western dances, rely mostly on the use of the arms and arm movements. Generally, most of the costumes hid the legs or took away from them, so the audience would watch the dancers arms.

Megan Lester said...



那算了, 我不喜欢他;我们只去打球与王和高。



Ram said...


Ram said...

So this past summer I went to China for a two week study abroad trip through the school of business. While there we spent a week in Shanghai and a week in Xiamen at the University getting to interact with the students and compare life for students in China to life here in the US. I keep in touch with many of the students and have found out that they are now out looking for jobs just like any of us would be doing, however they are have a two month break in which they are going to be looking for jobs or internships that they will hopefully get. Something that I found interesting was that although many of them are looking for jobs unlike here in the states, the students I talk with are looking closer to their home or where their school is, where as myself, I am looking anywhere I can get a job, regardless of the location. Another interesting fact that I thought about was that for us as students, it is a goal of ours to go study abroad, well for the most part, and it isn’t very difficult for most of us to either afford it, or get a loan or have our parents give us some money for the trips. Well for the Chinese students that I talked to, it is a dream of theirs to come to the United States and it is very difficult for them to afford and to have done, it is something that will spend a majority of their lives trying to achieve and once they arrive in the states, it is something that they may not be able to enjoy as much as we would if we went to China.